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Cooperate with Yang Design Company & United Way
4 weeks Research + 3 weeks Design&Prototype | 6 people

Can We Ensure
A Brighter Future For The Children Of
The Ever-Rising Migrant People?

Migrant children are experiencing poor early education

In Shanghai, migrant workers account for as much as 40% of the workforce. Children of migrant workers often have limited access to quality education. Quality of schools various greatly from one neighborhood to the next. Also, there is not enough classroom space for all kids needing a kindergarten education.

We work with real stakeholders to improve these kindergarten.

This is a school project but kids, teachers, staff and NGO workers were involved in the process. After the research stage, we worked together to prototype and host testing workshops to define a better kindergarten experience for migrant children.

Get a deeper understanding of the issues
faced by migrant children (aged 3-6),
teachers and families.

We spent three days doing field research in 2 migrant kindergartens.
Knowing that children are uncommon interviewees,
we tried to use different methods to understand their situation.
And also, we interviewed with teachers and kindergarten managers.

Communicate with kids through playing together


Interview the whole family


Observe with Many hided cameras and videos


clear our findings with tools that
describe process and touch points of
the current education service.

tools we use including persona, shadowing,
observation, interview, focus group

Habit and discipline of washing hands is the
core demands for both kids and teachers.

Kids clean hands everytime before and after
having meals and going to restroom accompanied by teachers.
They need security, orderliness and cleanliness.
But now they are chaos in queue and don't wash hands seriously
which can be dangerous for both falling down and Bacterial infections.

How might we develop school habits
to migrant children age 3 to 6?

We’ve discovered there are 3 way
might be able to tackle the problem


Co-design with teacher,
staff and workers from NGO.


Created a kit containing models of school bathroom and playground areas that we used as we co-design with teachers and educators from NGOs. In addition to creating detail concepts, we videoed the process to analyze the features of their solutions and understand teachers’ needs, aspirations and subconscious desires to find out the right idea.

  • codesign
  • codesign
  • codesign

We Ceate the “Rainbover”
System including story, space, songs and VI

According to the physical and mental development characteristics of children, and guide children internalize the rules of interpersonal communication and learning life and self-conscious habit formation, and ensure the kindergarten activities orderly.
Colorful Rainbow graphics and relating actions guide children to establish a good habit of lining up to wash their hands.

We prototype our design with low price material
Through test, Rainbover did
help children to improve their manners

In the tests workshops, we divide the same aged kids into 4 groups under different situations in order to find out how the storybook and spatial Rainbow graphic impact kids. The group where kids learned the story before entering the remodeled room with spatial graphic behavior much better than others. Reward stickers increased the children’s enthusiasm to line up and wash their hands to a large extent.

This program also has high reproducibility and strong characteristics. No matter in the bathroom, stairs, playground, canteen or other space available, a colorful visual environment, can be applied to cultivate good behavior. A non-slip, water-resistant patch can reduce the cost and reduce potential safety hazard.

Exhibition @
YANG Design Museum & Tongji Design Week 2017

  • mockup
  • mockup2
  • mockup3
  • team

The project was planned to be realized in Shanghai area
but the supporter: an NGO gave up due to the actual influence is not as great as them expected
We didn't gave up, and tried to participate in the exhibition
to present the problems faced by migrant kids and publicize project Rainbover.