As a digital product designer who
turned service design,

I'm guided by the passion for designing with people in mind and how data & technology transform business, industries and communities.
I help companies and organizations build new businesses and capabilities through a human-centered design lens.

my design motto and story:

Experience the experience.
Design the design.

Putting myself into other’s shoes,

going into the unknown and overcoming the challenge is my philosophy.

For example, I lived in a Buddhist temple for a while, eating as a vegetarian, chanting with the monks and doing labor work in the spare time. Nothing more, nothing less. As an atheist, I ventured to see if I could be enlightened. I took notes through shadow observation and spectated how people behaved within this environment. I analyzed people’s interactions within this far removed social environment. I thought about how religions shape people's minds and actions.

Through excursions like this, I have come to experience the “experience”; exploring new frontiers and constantly challenging myself by confronting and learning through other people’s perspectives. I’m ready at any time to jump out of my current life; to engage with, feel and wonder about the other parts of the world.

As for “Design the design”,

I work with designers from multiple disciplines such as; textiles, engineering, mobility, product and so on, who use significantly different approaches and ways of thinking. As a service designer myself, not only do I care about what kind of service I am able to propose to users and clients, but also about the service for the design process, which can be understood as design management and design methods. Design, as a series of actions and events, like research, ideation, prototype, also needs to be incorporated to fit diverse people, visions and environments.

Having lived, worked and studied in Shanghai, London, Los Angeles, Boston and Taipei, I’m still on my way to experience more diversity and further the design of my thoughts and action as I continue interact with the world.

I’m now pursuing my Service Design Master 

at the Royal College of Art, the world’s top design school. In this project-based program, I work with various types of stakeholders (local council, NGO, community group, corporation and startup) to create value in both commercial and social field, as well as research for “Design Thinking” and “Design methods”. 

As for my educational performance, I was honored as one of three bachelor graduates whom excelled  at Tongji University. I was also the first exchange student from Asia to the ArtCenter College of Design in the U.S.

In middle school I decided to follow my passion to work as a designer for my life career. After entering university, I tried exploring by myself to be a designer, as well as engaging with the roles of design in different fields. I have been involved in different kinds of projects, internships and part-time jobs to gain insights from different industries. Organsization include; Birtish Airway, Bradford Council,  EPAM Continuum, Philips, Dupont, MIT BootcampGeely and various startups. Projects include; social innovation, citizen participant, new- retailing, virtual reality, healthcare and so on.

As a Service Designer,
I cast my different roles in my team

@Co-creation with Bradford Council

Design Anthropology Researcher

I transfer research into insight. Trained as service designer, I'm able to launch user research with qualitative and quantitative analysis

@Web Interface Design for Fintech

Digital Product Designer

I translate pixels into natural experiences. I design digital products for the everyday life using rapid-prototyping techniques and empathy-led approaches.

My work includes transferring features and functions into logic wireframes with project manager; designing micro-interaction; researching UI trending; writing interaction and interface description reports; implementing with developers.

@Service Design Jam London 2019

Innovation Faciliator

I work closely with stakeholders from design or non-design background for further insights, co-creation and prototyping. I design the workshop with various design thinking methods and toolkit. 

I have gained experience in this area by hosting workshops in previous projects. I helped to facilitate the workshop for 2019 London Service Design Jam. I worked as a design thinking coach at MIT Bootcamp (Teenager Camp) and two international high schools in Shanghai. I worked for the Philips Corporation to facilitate colloration workshop with heads from different regions. I helped to facilitate the creative leadership workshop for Panasonic in The Helen Hamlyn Center For Design.
I love to communicate with people from various backgrounds to see their motivations and stories to facilitate their thinking and ideation and transfer their knowledge into valuable insights.